I confess: I’m not one for making traditional resolutions and keeping them. But once the holidays are over and some free time opens up in January, I resolve to get spinning!
1. Copy Your Favorite Spinning Teachers
Oscar Wilde said, “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.” Who’s your favorite spinning teacher? Watch their latest video, sign up for an class, page through their latest book, and follow their blog. Use them as creative muse! Mimic, emulate, and imitate their handspinning style, then add your own "twist."
Is your yarn ready for its close-up? Jolie A. Elder’s optically blended yarn from Spin Off Fall 2017. Photo by George Boe.
2. Steal Ideas From Social Media
Instagram now allows you to follow your favorite hashtags: #handspinning, #spinnersofinstagram, and #handspunyarn. Like or join a Facebook group such as Spinning Daily, Spinning Fibers, and A Spinners Study. There’s no better place to get new-to-you ideas. Join in the fun, and resolve to take part in spinning challenges and show off your handspun yarn.
Peachtree Handspinners Guild members enjoying the annual November “social, sale, and spin” meeting. Photo courtesy of Peachtree Handspinners Guild.
3. Make a Monthly Spinning Date
Mark off some time on your calendar, and don’t cancel! Make a handspinning resolution to take yourself on a monthly spinning date. Check out the local museum’s textile collection for inspiration. Pick up some new fiber at the yarn and fiber shop that just opened up across town. Plan a fiber vacation or weekend getaway. Feel the need for a little company? Start a Meet-Up group just for spinners, or join your local guild. Whether you fly solo or convene a group, commit to making time to spin.
Kate Larson’s journal will inspire you to keep your own. Photo by George Boe.
4. Keep a Spinning Journal
Take one peek inside Kate Larson’s spinning journals, and you’ll want to begin keeping your own. Kate’s hand-drawn illustrations, photos, fiber samples, and notes help her keep track of ideas and spin yarn inspired by the world around her. Start collecting your own snippets of inspiration, and store them in one place for easy reference. Need hints on how to get started? Check out Kate’s blog posts "Roving Reporter: A Traveler’s Spinning Inspiration: My Handspun Yarn Journal" and "Roving Reporter: From Spinning Inspiration to Skein in 3 Easy Steps." You’ll be cracking a blank notebook’s spine to keep a journal of your own!
Long winter evenings offer a great opportunity to learn how to use a new tool. Photo by George Boe.
5. Buy Yourself a New Tool
You’ve dropped hints for months, but that special handspinning tool that you’ve been coveting came up M.I.A. under your holiday tree. Now that the holiday season is over, invest in your craft and make a handspinning resolution to learn to use a new tool. Nothing beats the winter blues like learning something new!
Good luck! Elizabeth