Spinzilla kicks off today! Whether you plan to spin it to win it, enjoy the opportunity to spin a little extra, or use the chance for a spinning party, try these ideas for a happy spinning week.
1. Spin with friends.
Whether it’s nearby yarn and fiber shops, guilds, or just a café with spinning pals, make some time to enjoy the company of other spinners. Check the Spinzilla Ravelry group for local events. Many groups welcome members of other teams or rogue spinners, so use this opportunity to kick off a new spinning meetup.
2. Check Instagram, Ravelry, and Facebook.
Other spinners will post inspiring images and notes, share their triumphs, and look for sympathy and advice. Keep an eye on #teamspinoff2017, #spinzilla, #spinzilla2017, and @interweavecraft for eye candy (and post some of your own).
3. Take a virtual vacation.
Summer break was over months ago—time to treat yourself to a spinning staycation. Pull out your favorite fiber and have a virtual visit with some irresistible fiber folk. I have my eye on a fleece from the Estes Park Wool Market, and a visit with Judith MacKenzie and her video Three Bags Full would complete the experience. Next, I’ll visit with Rita Buchanan in her studio as she walks me through How I Spin, and for delightful company it’s hard to beat Norman Kennedy and his Gaelic singing in From Wool to Waulking.
Sit at Norman’s knee and learn about spinning in history (when every week was Spinzilla).
4. Take breaks.
A week of spinning sounds like a dream, but remember to put down the fiber. Rest, sleep, eat, and go for a walk. Don’t be a spinning machine.
5. Stroll with your spindle.
Take a whiff of fall air without missing out on yardage by walking while spinning. Ann Elizabeth Durham shared her experience and offered tips in her post “Take Your Spindle for a Stroll.” You may interest passersby and find yourself sharing your love of spinning.
6. Teach someone to spin.
If you can, carry a little extra fiber and an inexpensive spare spindle to teach someone new. It doesn’t have to take long—just explain about fiber and twist and put a tool in their hands.
7. Stretch your skills.
Keep things interesting: try something new. Spin slubs, practice long draw, or try a new plying method. As long as you start with singles spun during Spinzilla, it all counts, although you might want to avoid bouclés and other fancy plying methods if they’ll reduce the yardage you can measure.
8. Stretch your hands.
Mary Egbert’s strengthening exercises will help you spin pain-free year-round, but during the heat of Spinzilla, try some basic stretches.
9. Baby your tools.
You may demand a lot of your tools this week. If you’re spinning on a wheel, remember to oil as needed, clean off stray grime and fuzz, and keep the moving parts moving freely. Check out some tips from wheel whizzes Alden Amos and Cindy Lair in the Spinning Wheel Maintenance Bundle.
—Anne Merrow
Featured Image: Judith MacKenzie would have been surprised to find Sheepzilla in one of her Three Bags Full.
Spend Spinzilla with these spinning stars!