A Conversation Between Judith MacKenzie McCuin and Stephanie Pearl-McPhee

Aug 28, 2017 - 1 min read

A Conversation Between Judith MacKenzie McCuin and Stephanie Pearl-McPhee Primary Image

Colorful punis are hard to resist. Photo by Joe Coca

The conversation between Judith MacKenzie McCuin and Stephanie Pearl-McPhee at Spin Off Autumn Retreat (SOAR) 2007 in Bellaire, Michigan, is available in the Spin Off Summer 2008 issue.

Judith is a highly sought-after spinning instructor and author of Teach Yourself Visually: Handspinning. Stephanie writes the wildly popular knitting blog,, and many, many books found in the knitting humor section of the bookstore; including Things I Learned from Knitting Whether I Wanted To or Not.