In an effort to save rare and endangered sheep, The Livestock Conservancy started Shave ’Em to Save ’Em.
Colorado State University’s “lambulance” is here to help.
One of the spinning world’s ultimate endurance tests is Spinzilla, where spinners challenge themselves to spin as many yards (or meters) as they can in seven days.
Head on over to the Spin Off Hapalong thread on Ravelry, and you’ll be met with a lively exchange between handspinners of all skill levels who are united in a common goal: to spin and knit a hap.
With my job, you have to have a desire to learn on a daily basis. We are constantly presented with new challenges and problems to solve.
The new year inspires many of us to plan and cast on fresh projects. Look no further! Here are a few of my favorite projects from Spin Off’s 2018 issues.
In 2015, Ashley Thurman, a weaver from the United States, and Cherry Greenslade, a crocheter from Australia, came up with a simple idea: an online fiber and yarn swap between friends.
I have a confession: spinning wasn’t my first fiber love. The year was 2002, and a fetching handknitted and fulled tote bag on display in my local yarn shop seduced me.
Terri Drouin-Guerette, a former SOAR (Spin Off Autumn Retreat) scholar and Interweave Yarn Fest instructor, shares how spinning satisfies her creative side.