The spinning world is vast, and the time has come for me to move on from the wheel and learn something new, the drop spindle.
Spinning entered my life at a time when I was trying different things and being introspective about life. Spinning lessons became spinning life lessons.
My spinning journey began within days of my move to Colorado, and mere moments after I began my new job as Editorial Assistant for Specialty Fiber at Interweave! It's an awesome place to be a beginning crafter. I am surrounded by people who knit, crochet,
I started working at Interweave with a very basic knowledge of fiber arts, but ever the creative and curious individual, I was eager to dive in. Next thing I know, I’m lugging around a wheel and a bag of fiber.
Until now, I had been spinning on the larger of two whorls on the spinning wheel; lesson two began with switching the whorls.
As summer comes to a close, we are here to help you reminisce on the good times you had instead of mourning those warm, wonderful months. Our coping mechanism? To brag about our summer handspun, of course.
Going from the drop spindle to an electric spinning wheel is like jumping from an ancient era into a modern one. The spindle is a primitive tool that requires patience and dedication; the e-spinner is a device designed for efficiency and, perhaps, instant