How do you get ready for the new year? The Spin Off crew have all been preparing to say goodbye to 2018 in their own way. Happy Handspun Holiday from our flocks to yours!
Some of us have literal flocks.
Kate Larson – Editor of Spin Off My flock and I have been preparing for the new year as fast as possible. Despite the colder temperatures here in Indiana, we are usually still finishing harvest and tucking hay into storage in December.
As we near New Year’s Eve, the rams will be taken out of the breeding groups and returned to the bachelor pad (which they really quite like). The ewes will then breath a sigh of relief and snuggle into the straw, ready for a restful winter. Their shepherd is ready for a rest, too!
Some of us have “flocks” of another nature.
Anne Merrow – Group Editorial Director This is Orville, my Senior Cat, napping in a pile of washed fleece that's drying on a rack. (This is why everything I spin is a cat hair blend.)
And some of us will hit the road, ready for post-holiday adventure!
Elizabeth Prose – Spin Off Assistant Editor Whenever I travel to fiber festivals and retreats, I take a basic top-whorl spindle and fiber to spin while on the go. Non-spinners often stop me and ask what I'm spinning. I see this as an opportunity to grow our community, and I will hand them my spindle and fiber so they can have a try. You never know—they may get hooked! (Insert evil laugh.)
Spin along with us in 2019! —Kate
Featured Image: Snuggle in for the winter. Photo by Kate Larson