
An Ode to Onion Skins: Modifying a Humble Dyestuff

Topic Dyeing
Fiber Wool, Animal Fibers
Author Madeline Keller-King
Format Article/Tutorial

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Using supplies that are already in your kitchen or easily collected on your next grocery run can make getting started with natural dyes less stressful. Onion skins are one of those dyestuffs that people often start with and then continue using even after exploring more exotic palettes. Not only are onion skins readily available for most people, they create a range of reliable colors with little effort.

This article will show you how easily you can create yellows, golds, and oranges using a few grocery items: yellow or red onion skins, alum (used for canning), and vinegar. By soaking some rusty nails in a vinegar solution, you can expand your palette to khaki and greens.

All items in the library are intended for personal use. Please do not distribute without written approval.