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Spinning Down Wool and Related Breeds eBook

Topic Fiber Prep, Handspun Projects
Fiber Wool
Project Category Knitting, Crochet
Project Type Other, Accessories
Author Spin Off Contributors
Format eBook

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Spinning Down wool has made quite the resurgence in today's market, and has all but claimed its position as a favorite among handspinners. Once dismissed as "meat sheep" (much to their defender's dismay) the Down breeds are now widely recognized for their springy wool and fascinating history. You'll find that the Down and Related Breeds eBook chronicles not only true Down breeds (such as Dorset Down and Hampshire), but also Down-like breeds (such as Cheviot and Black Welsh Mountain). You'll also find spinning notes for samples along with a number of patterns for knitted swatches and evern a crochet bag to try. Although the four breeds aren't without their differences, their similarities dictate that they be mentioned in the same conversation.

It is our hope that this eBook will help spinners develop an affinity for the Down breeds and that they will share their projects and stories in future issues of Spin Off. Until then, enjoy reading about these uniquely charming breeds.

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