
Inspired by Speckles: Two Techniques

Topic Plying/Yarn Design, Color
Fiber Wool, Plant Fibers, Man-Made Fibers, Blends, Cotton, Linen/Flax
Author Kate Larson
Format Article/Tutorial

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When Kate Larson saw Joanna Johnson’s Striated Handspun Hat in the Spring 2023 issue of Spin Off, she was delighted by the short bursts of saturated color that Joanna added intermittently to natural white. As Joanna explained, she was looking to create “visual breathing room” in her yarns.

This is also a great approach to incorporating those vivid, shocking colors that we love only in tiny amounts: aggressive fuchsia or unapologetic spring green. Just imagine the undulating black and white of a nice Jacob wool roving that has been studded with scarlet.

Kate shares two methods, both of which use a short-forward draft (worsted) with combed fibers of the same staple length. Howver, these methods could be adapted to other drafts and preparations. You could explore longer runs of color, more than two colors, gradients, and more. Spinner’s choice!

Follow along with Kate's step-by-step photo tutorial.

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