
Wet Finishes for Yarn

Topic Fiber Prep
Fiber Wool, Silk, Plant Fibers, Linen/Flax, Cotton, Blends, Animal Fibers
Author Judith MacKenzie
Format Article/Tutorial

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By introducing twist into the fiber we spin, we distort the structure, and the yarn will try to move back into its original shape. By using a wet-finishing method, spinners use water to relax the crimp and set the twist.

Judith MacKenzie explores the three main methods of wet finishing and discusses how to determine which technique is right for your fiber:

  • Soaking (twist setting)
  • Soaking and agitation (fulling)
  • Drying under pressure (blocking)

Judith also details the factors to consider when selecting a method for your handspun:

  • Fiber type and staple length
  • Whether fiber has been treated
  • Fiber preparation
  • Spinning method used

Judith will help you gain a better understanding of fiber and twist as you try different methods of wet finishing.

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