I love January for the same reason that I love Mondays: both offer the promise of a fresh beginning. I also enjoy what has become an annual January tradition: the kickoff of Spin Off’s spin-along. If you’re a handspinner who looks to the beginning of the new year as a time to recommit to the practice, then joining this year’s mitt-along provides the perfect opportunity to start a new spin!
We welcome spinners to knit, crochet, weave, tat, or create any kind of warm handcovering you desire out of your own handspun.
Love knitting cables with crisp stitch definition? Get out those locks and get to combing!
5 Reasons to Join the Mitt-Along
1. Build Your Practice
Start the year off on the right treadle and embrace spinning as a part of your daily routine. Give yourself the gift of doing something you love every single day. The mitt-along takes place over two months, which is just the right amount of time to form a new spinning habit.
2. Success
I’ve already heard from a couple of friends who are first-time joiners of Spin Off’s annual “along”: This is one spin-along that they know they can conquer. Spinning and completing a pair of hand-coverings is completely doable within the 2-month time frame—even for those who work full time.
3. De-stash
Mitts don’t require a tremendous amount of yardage, and they’re the perfect project for showing your creative side (see number 4). Put those leftover bits and odds and ends of fiber to good use. You don’t even need an entire braid to complete a pair; mix and match colorways for your own custom blend.
4. New Techniques
Did the holidays bring those handcards or combs you’ve been wanting? Put them to use and experience the joy of creating exactly the yarn you want, be it 3-ply worsted for cables that pop or a lofty, frost-resistant woolen yarn spun from your first rolags. Or perhaps, you received a new wheel or spindle—give them a whirl.
5. Inspiration
Find motivation and camaraderie right at your fingertips. Our Ravelry group offers a great place to ask questions, show off your bobbins, admire the work of other spinners, and more. Who knows? You may very well find a new spinning friend or two.
Debbie plans on using neutral shades and trying her hand at knitted colorwork.
And here’s one final reason: Who doesn’t need a new pair of gloves or mittens? (I know that I sure do!) Please join us over in the mitt-along thread on Ravelry and tag us on Instagram using the hashtags #spinoffmittalong, #spinoffmagazine, and #longthreadmedia.
Important dates: January 17, 2020, start spinning! March 20, 2020, show us your finished mitts!
We can’t wait to see you!
P.S. Yes, there will be prizes, too. (Yet another reason to join!)
To be eligible for random prize drawings, spinning and handcovering creation must take place during the mitt-along dates, January 17 through March 20, 2020.