It’s no secret that spinners are a curious lot. We can’t help ourselves when it comes to fiber mixology; we want to see the results. Combing, carding, and hand-blending fibers leads to exciting combinations. What happens when you draft different braids together? Will a coarse fiber benefit from another’s softness? Show us the results of your experiments and help us examine how blends bring out the best in both fibers.
Spin Off Winter 2022: Blends—Opposites Attract
Silk adds strength, drape, and luster; wool is warming and wonderfully elastic. Together, they make a classic yarn pairing. But why stop there? Our annual Natural Fiber issue considers both conventional and unusual fiber combinations, how to make blends, and projects that make them shine. Learn what tools and techniques optimize the comingling of fibers and discover how blends bring out the qualities we yearn to spin.
As you draft fiber blends through your fingers, tell us what combinations make your spindle and wheel sing. Share your article and project proposals with Spin Off.
Submissions due: February 15, 2021
For the Spring 2020 issue of Spin Off, Rachel Simmons used avocado to dye a super-soft blend of Polwarth and silk. Adding labels helped her keep track of her explorations in dyeing this fiber blend. Photo by Matt Graves
We are looking for:
- Feature articles—stories, profiles, history.
- Handspun projects—instructions using knitting, weaving, crochet, or other techniques with handspun yarn.
- How-to articles—tell us how it is done.
Have an idea that doesn’t fit our theme? Send that to us, too! We may be able to use it in an upcoming issue.
Also, we are always looking for content for our website. If you have an idea for a short piece, about 300 to 500 words, please submit your proposal to us.
Online Submissions Form Spin Off Winter 2022
Contributor’s Guidelines
Photo Guidelines
Kate Larson demonstrates taking fiber off of a blending board. Photo by Matt Graves
Submissions due: February 15, 2021
We will notify you of our decision in March 2021
Articles and projects due: June 1, 2021
Do you want to be added to the Spin Off Call for Submissions email list? Sign up here.
Questions? Contact us at [email protected].