Whether you knit, crochet, or weave, all these crafts have one thing in common: they require yarn. Better yet, make your project with handspun yarn! In the Spring 2019 issue of Spin Off, our designers did just that. Here’s what they had to say about the inspiration behind their handspun projects:
Make Amy’s silk scarf and learn how to do a sewn bind-off. Photo by Harper Point Photography
Wild Water Silk Scarf by Amy Tyler “Silk hankies are an important part of my fiber stash because they require patience and tolerance, and they make loveable, imperfect yarns that are a pleasure to wear. Yarns spun from silk hankies (affiliate link) have no elasticity; they do not stretch. They do, however, make lovely, drapey knitted fabric. These yarns can feel cool in warm weather and warm in cool weather.”
Use up your small bits of handspun yarn and crochet these charming mitts. Photo by Harper Point Photography
Marigold Mitts by Brenda K. B. Anderson; handspun yarn by Anne Merrow “We all have small amounts of precious yarn—bits too beautiful to get rid of but too small to complete a project. These basic crocheted fingerless mitts are a great backdrop to showcase those little bits of special yarn. You can use a combination of contrasting yarns for a variety of flora, or you can make all the foliage from a single skein for a more unified look. In this example, I used a lovely color-changing yarn from Anne Merrow’s personal stash to keep the same texture but to allow a variety of colors.”
Wrap yourself in a stunning ruana made with handspun yarn. Photo by George Boe
From Sheep to Shadow Weave Ruana by Margie Bell “I love to spin yarn. I have realized how calming it is, and I love to feel the texture in my hands. I spin on a 130-year-old Canadian production wheel. I imagine the many pounds of fiber (affiliate link) that must have been spun on it over its lifetime, and I like that it allows me to spin thin yarns with a lot of twist. But if I only spun, I would end up with a house full of yarn and no reason to buy fleeces and spin more. So for the last 25 years, I have been knitting and weaving functional garments from my handspun yarn.”
What types of projects do you make with your handspun yarn? Share with us in the comments bellow!
To get all of the patterns for these great projects, download a copy of the Spring 2019 issue of _Spin Off today._
Featured Image: Springtime spinning brings to mind cotton fiber. Vresies Foxfibre natural-colored cotton and tahkli from Cotton Clouds. Photo by George Boe