When I began developing this issue of Spin Off more than a year ago, I never anticipated all the changes that would take place before I would see it on printed pages. Little did I know that the Into the Wild issue would be brought forth as Spin Off broke new ground and blazed new trails.
On August 1, Spin Off, Handwoven, and PieceWork magazines settled into their new home at Long Thread Media. I’m eager and excited to see what the future holds for these publications and the community of makers they support!
Kathy Augustine explores spinning with milkweed floss. From top: Milkweed floss and washed fleece, handcarded rolag, and handspun two-ply yarn.
The heady question that flows through this annual natural fiber issue is, “What is wild?” In our spinner-centric world, does “wild” always mean fiber gleaned from nature? Not necessarily. What connects the work of the authors in this issue is the intention, diligence, and joy in turning the resources they encounter into beautiful handspun yarn. Learn how the Miskin family has worked to connect fiber artists with the American bison. Follow Karlissa Keller’s retting adventure with local bast fiber. Hannah Maxson shows you a traditional fiber preparation method she learned in Mongolia.
On the cover: Heavenly Bresser's wild silk blends.
What is your wilderness? Forage on the web for fixer-upper fleeces that need extra processing TLC—Emonieiesha Hopkins shows you how. Read about the search for wild genetics that led to paco-vicuña fiber raised in Colorado and then learn about the spinner using paco-vicuña to create gossamer lace in Orenburg, Russia.
Step off the beaten path and explore the world’s natural fibers!
—Kate Larson, Editor
Get your copy of the Winter 2020 issue of Spin Off!