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Get a designer’s tips for spinning and knitting a handspun sweater to show off the design details.
See Amy Tyler’s method of creating blended yarns by pre-drafting more than one color of roving together to produce interesting color variations.
Whether you’re measuring handspun or millspun, learn about some of the most common classifications for measuring knitting yarn.
A balanced skein is one that hangs without showing any twist in the skein and without any kinks in the yarn making up the skein.
I live in the northwest corner of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan. Winters are long here. Handspun mittens, therefore, are essential winter wear.
Wonder what the numbers such as 5/3 or 2/20 mean in weaving yarn? Amy Tyler has the answers.
Learn how the orientation of your lazy kates can affect the outcome of plying your handspun yarn.
Blending accessories include anything that helps you get the fiber onto the blending board and back off again.
When Amy Tyler’s Wild Water Scarf arrived at the Interweave office, we were excited to see that she had used a sewn bind-off. Amy made her beautiful scarf with silk—a fiber known for its lack of elasticity. We asked her to tell us more.
All of the pent-up energy can make working with the singles a challenge. Below are Amy’s tips for knitting with energized yarn.