Debbie Blair

Combing Wool: Static Control

Spritzing a lubricant onto your locks of wool will make combing easier. Here are three recipes to try.

Subscriber Exclusive

What Is the Oldest Knitting in the “New World?”

Historic knitting can challenge our spinning assumptions. Cotton for socks? A garter-stitch heel? Learn about the socks a community of sixteenth-century Peruvian knitters left behind—and more!

Subscriber Exclusive

A Natural Dye Roadmap: Adapting Fred Gerber’s Method for Modern Dyers

Gerber’s out-of-print resources are highly coveted by today’s natural dyers. Find some of his works in the Spin Off Library.

Knitting Traditions from Around the World: One Woman’s Quest

Irene Waggener’s global travels inspire her spinning and knitting classes—including at this year’s SOAR event—her patterns, and even a book!

Subscriber Exclusive

Food and Drink Dyes Can Yield Complex Colors?

These Queen of Diamond socks are brilliant, not only in their deep, rich color but also in their conception and toe-up construction. See how the author dyed, spun, and knitted this stunning pair, plus get the pattern!

The 2024 Spin Off Spin-Along: Colorwork

Join your fellow spinners and fiber enthusiasts for a new Spin-Along that’s all about colorwork.

All Access Exclusive

Sensational Silk: A Must-Have Collection of Articles & Patterns

Silk has captivated us for millennia with its luster. Take a deep dive into silk with this special collection of silk-centric articles and projects across our publications.

Wish You Were Here: Happenings at SOAR 2023

See what spinners and weavers—from novice to more advanced and everyone in between—have been up to at our 40th anniversary SOAR event!

Seven Drafting Techniques to Explore

As spinners our goal is to be able to control the spin so we get the type of yarn we want every time, which starts with how we are drafting the fiber. Jeannine Bakriges shows us seven methods of drafting; how many of them do you use?

Leafy Inspiration: Shawls to Share

Autumn is the perfect time to spin for a cozy shawl project to knit now or well into the winter season. These two beautiful fall-themed shawls will give you just the nudge you need.