Debbie Blair

Tool Roundup: Focus on Flickers

Learn how to use a flicker to transform what may be a less-than-perfect fleece into fiber that’s perfect for spinning with this roundup of resources.

All Access Exclusive

Hows and Whys of Handspun Socks (plus an eBook full of patterns!)

What is the best sock yarn? Oh my, do spinners have opinions. Up your sock game with our new eBook collection.

Subscriber Exclusive

Horseshoe Cap to Spin and Knit

Graceful, curved lines are the foundation of the horseshoe pattern in knitting, one of the basic Shetland lace stitches featured here in the popular Horseshoe Cap—a bonus for current Spin Off subscribers.

A Spinner’s Take on Visible Mending—5 Top Tips

Thinking about jumping on the visible-mending bandwagon? With spinners in mind, we’ve gathered a few tips to help you get started.

Celebrate Your Handspun with 20 Custom Knits

Let us introduce you to a collection of some of our favorite projects that combine the joys of spinning and knitting.

Top Spinning Tips from 4 Instructors: Predrafting, Color Blending, Drive Bands, and More

Meet 4 instructors who will be bringing their unique approach to working with fibers and their wheels to SOAR 2023.

Subscriber Exclusive

Helianthus Mitts

Grab your needles and get ready to display your sunny disposition with these cheerful knitted mitts.

Tips for Achieving a Pointillist Effect in Your Yarns

We’ve dug into the Spin Off archives to uncover exercises for the study of color interactions. Use these experiments to create interesting colored yarns.

The Extraordinary Wheel Collection at the Marshfield School of Weaving

While putting together the Winter 2023 issue of Spin Off, we found some amazing examples of Canadian Production Wheels (CPWs) in the Marshfield School of Weaving Study Collection. We’d love for you to see them, too.

Color Play with Plant-Dyed Tops

Peek inside one spinner‘s process of using natural dyes gathered from his homeland in Australia to create nearly 150 dye extractions and over 15 pounds of colorful fiber to spin and knit to his heart's content.