Elizabeth Prose

Elizabeth Prose


What Is Irish Tension? Is It Even Irish?

Irish tension is a single-drive tension system often referred to as bobbin lead.

Tool Profile: Drumcarder

A drumcarder is a fiber preparation tool used for aligning fiber, blending, and creating batts.

That’s Spinnertainment: In the Footsteps of Sheep

Intertwining her passions for spinning, knitting, and walking, Debbie uses her handspun and handknitted socks to record “a journey around Scotland spinning and knitting the fleece of the Scottish sheep breeds in their native haunts.” This travel memoi

Come to Terms with Your Spinning Fiber Stash (A Tale in Three Tunes)

Fiber stash has a way of multiplying and becoming unmanageable. Are you plagued by oodles of bumps and braids, or yearning to spin for a larger project? Spread out your stash and survey the abundance. Come to terms with your stash. (Plus, it’s the first

Homespun Gains New Meaning

In 1975, Sharon Hudgins and her husband Tom made an award-winning film titled Homespun, for the U.S. Information Agency, about the crafts of spinning and weaving in the southern Appalachian Mountains.

Color Spun Your Way

Dyeing to Spin & Knit: Techniques and Tips to Make Custom Hand-Dyed Yarns was written by a dyer who spins. Have you ever considered how staple length affects the appearance of color in your handspun? Illustrating this point with hand-dyed locks, Felicia L

Spinning Yarns with a Purpose

I began handspinning as an extension of my love for knitting. However, I have a confession: I often spin without a project in mind.

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