Jeannine Glaves

The Spirit of SOAR: 40 Years of Community

As we celebrate the 40th year of the Spin Off Autumn Retreat, a longtime attendee reminisces on what the early days of SOAR were like.

A Spinner’s Journey in Inkle Bands

Spinner Jeannine Glaves revels in weaving sayings using pick-up inkle weaving. What started out as name tags and short humorous or uplifting sayings has morphed into longer bands of up to 21 yards or more that have become the author’s journal of sorts.

I Found Love in a Pawn Shop: A Spinning Wheel Romance

Written up as a curiosity in the weekend paper, the little antique wheel seemed destined to become my first spinning wheel.

Help, My Spindle Wobbles!

Learn what to do when your top-whorl spindle wobbles.

Spinning the Unusual: Chinchilla, Cactus Cotton, and Spanish Moss

Handspinner Jeannine Glaves, never one to shy away from trying a new fiber, recounts her experience with three uncommon fibers.

Flash Your Stash: Spindles!

How do you store all of your spindles and tools? Jeannine Glaves found a system that allows her to keep all of her spindles and tools in one handy place.

A Wine-Cork Orifice Hook

I like to recycle or upcycle found items, including wine corks perhaps left from a special occasion with friends or family.

Vest of Voices: Inkle Woven Bands by Jeannine Glaves

Using miles of handspun yarn for warp, Jeannine wove inkle bands with some of her favorite sayings, then sewed a piece of wearable art.