Are you interested in dyeing your handspun yarn or fiber but need some beginner resources to help you follow along? We’ve gathered a few of our favorite resources to help you get started.
I was very excited to learn that the theme of this year’s spin-along is colorwork. Take a look at my collection of handknits and you’ll see that colorwork is so obviously my true fiber love!
Learn three ways to add a leader to your top- and bottom-whorl spindles.
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Get ready for this year’s Spin-Along with this collection of brilliant colorwork projects to spin and knit!
Do twisted, curling handspun skeins make you break out in a cold sweat? Don’t fret! It may all come out in the wash.
Changing the order of the colors in a handpainted braid? Inconceivable! Or so I thought.
Ready to build your drop-spindle skills? Devin’s all-new spindle video course has launched. See the trailer and get Rita Buchanan’s distaff pattern!
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These Queen of Diamond socks are brilliant, not only in their deep, rich color but also in their conception and toe-up construction. See how the author dyed, spun, and knitted this stunning pair, plus get the pattern!
Join your fellow spinners and fiber enthusiasts for a new Spin-Along that’s all about colorwork.
Get a sneak peek behind the scenes as the author traveled the mountains of Morocco to interview the women of an artisan cooperative, and as an added bonus, watch an interview with the founder and see the women in action.