
Visible Mending with a Darning Loom

Spin Off’s “Mend, Renew & Make Do” issue is here, and we’ve created a tutorial for getting started using a darning loom with spinners in mind!

Gallery of Handspun Mends

Visible mending’s popularity has been on the rise. We asked our readers to show us their mends, and we love the creativity displayed here by mixing handspun yarn and other types of threads with an assortment of wearable and useful objects.

Celebrate Your Handspun with 20 Custom Knits

Let us introduce you to a collection of some of our favorite projects that combine the joys of spinning and knitting.

5 Tips for Managing a Fiber & Yarn Stash from a Professional Fiber Collector

When a coworker asked for a photo of my fiber and yarn stash for National Pack Rat Day, I was sorry to disappoint her.

Trouble Spinning Across the (Combed) Top? Heavenly Bresser Has Top Tips For You

We often know about spinning across the top but seeing it done well can make it easier to put it into practice.

Underplying Is Not a Mistake

Underplied yarn is often achieved by beginning spinners because they ply stale singles and then look for balance in the ply when twist is dormant in the singles. But sometimes, underplying is desirable. Well-known spinner Amelia Garripoli makes her case.

Subscriber Exclusive

Tutorial: Handspun Buttons for Handspun Sweaters

While I love spinning and knitting cardigans that incorporate beautiful buttons, I used to struggle to find the right ones. Then I learned to make my own buttons—and you can, too!

A Spinner’s Journey in Inkle Bands

Spinner Jeannine Glaves revels in weaving sayings using pick-up inkle weaving. What started out as name tags and short humorous or uplifting sayings has morphed into longer bands of up to 21 yards or more that have become the author’s journal of sorts.

Long Thread Podcast: Josefin Waltin, Swedish Spinning Revival

Season 6, Episode 9: Josefin turned to spinning to help preserve Swedish heritage sheep breeds and live a more sustainable life. She has found a kinship with crafters around the world and discovered her superpower in fiber.

What’s Your Spinning Super Power?

See if my spinning superpower wish list matches yours—and tell me which you have or want.