Deborah Held

Deborah Held

Yarn Judging 101: The Inside Scoop on Entering a Yarn Judging Competition

In the Spin Off Summer 2017 issue, Debbie Held encourages you to enter your own handspun yarn and offers tips for navigating the rules of a yarn judging competition to bring home your own blue ribbon.

Her Handspun Habit: How Your Own Handspun Yarn Makes You a Better Spinner

I’m talking about a skein (or two) of your own handspun yarn.

Her Handspun Habit: Weaving to Save Your Handspun Yarn

I can admit it: not every skein of handspun yarn turns out as well as I’d envisioned. In fact, there’s the occasional skein that is downright unsightly.

Her Handspun Habit: 5 Reasons Why Spinners Should Try Pin Loom Weaving

From the moment I began weaving two years ago, I did so using my handspun and a 4x4-inch hand-held pin loom.

Her Handspun Habit: Why I Knit Shawls (#sorrynotsorry)

I closed out 2017 like many other spinners around the world: with a finished object and some crafting contemplation. My FO: surprise (not)! It’s a shawl!

A Spinner’s Manifesto: Standing Up for Singles Yarn

When it comes to spinning techniques, it’s no secret that spinners often disagree.

Her Handspun Habit: What I Learned From Spinning on Every Single Spindle I Own

Over the course of the past few months, I’ve been doing a great deal of spindle spinning.

Her Handspun Habit: 6 Good Reasons for Keeping a Well-Stocked Fiber Stash

How do you spell stash? Is it “s-h-a-m-e,” by chance, or more along the lines of “g-u-i-l-t?” Well, today I’m here to argue in favor of the fiber stash and the wealth of opportunities it can bring to your spinning life.