Subscriber Exclusives

Articles for subscribers of Spin Off. Subscribe today to access every article.

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Blending Ratios: Experimenting with Nepps, Noils, and More

How much recycled sari silk do you need to create a pop of color? Does a pinch of Angelina lead to a glitter-bomb batt? Riley takes a deep dive into carding ratios.

Subscriber Exclusive

A Little Gift: Small Change Scarf

As 2023 comes to a close, our wish is that you give yourself permission to play and time to use your handspun! As a thank you to our subscribers—and a nudge to use some precious leftovers or spin some fresh color—we have released a bonus knitting pattern.

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Sensational Silk: A Must-Have Collection of Articles & Patterns

Silk has captivated us for millennia with its luster. Take a deep dive into silk with this special collection of silk-centric articles and projects across our publications.

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Carding for Color: How to Make Complex Color-Matching Blends

Spinners can create complex colors in different ways. As a dyer, Alanna can mix dye stocks to create specific hues, but here, she explores how to apply that same approach to handcarded color.

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On a Roll with Pseudorolags

Surprise! You don’t need a blending board in order to make colorful rolags! Learn to make “pseudorolags” with these helpful tips. Plus, a bonus project to make for subscribers to Spin Off!

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How to Knit with Art Yarn

Learn how to incorporate your handspun art yarns into your knitting with these expert tips—plus knit a darling purse!

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Meet Galina Khmeleva, an Inspired Spinner and Knitter

Meet Galina and watch as she spins exquisitely fine yarn for her Orenburg lace shawls. Then, knit your own with two bonus patterns.

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Spin and Knit a Half Hap with Us!

The Fall issue of Spin Off is here, and it’s time to create some new wooly warmth. Will you join us?

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Hows and Whys of Handspun Socks (plus an eBook full of patterns!)

What is the best sock yarn? Oh my, do spinners have opinions. Up your sock game with our new eBook collection.

Subscriber Exclusive

Akha Spindles: What Is the “Right” Way to Spin?

Mid-whorl spindles commonly called Akha spindles can be used as supported spindles, suspended spindles, or a bit of both. Let’s take a closer look!