All Access Exclusive
How much recycled sari silk do you need to create a pop of color? Does a pinch of Angelina lead to a glitter-bomb batt? Riley takes a deep dive into carding ratios.
I was sure I didn’t much like spinning Targhee, nor did I love knitting socks. That is, until I came across a pair of socks so sensational that they called into question whether I knew myself at all.
Subscriber Exclusive
As 2023 comes to a close, our wish is that you give yourself permission to play and time to use your handspun! As a thank you to our subscribers—and a nudge to use some precious leftovers or spin some fresh color—we have released a bonus knitting pattern.
We’ve rounded up a list of your favorite Spin Off posts of 2023—and what a varied list it is!
Do you want to add a bit of bounce to your suri fibers? Jacqueline has tips for combing technique, wool types, ratios, and more.
When I was growing up, my mother told me about the legend of the animals that would talk at the stroke of midnight on Christmas. I never checked what our old horses might say; it was too cold to go to the barn at midnight.
American wool grown in the West and processed in the East: Let’s give two combed tops a spin.
I’ve made dozens of pairs of handknitted socks, and I live by the motto, “Always have a pair on the needles.” But I have a confession: I’ve never knit a pair of handspun socks.
Wherein a spinner transforms a hot tub into a retting tank, breathtaking golden flax is created!
Our Winter issue gets to the heart of handspinning, exploring how natural fibers connect global communities.