For spinners, “memory” can evoke images of crimpy wools, bouncy yarns, heirloom tools, and more. Tell us what it means to you and share your article and project ideas with Spin Off!
Learn about the Chalo Charkho Ramiye program and the revival of handspinning in India
Most spinners don’t give their chairs a second thought, but if you have developed new pains while spinning or your old aches and pains are getting worse, don’t blame your wheel first; it could be your chair or posture.
During the long days of summer, Kate indulged in shorter, more frequent spinning breaks. Those little pockets of time left her feeling refreshed and created loads of singles! Now it’s time to ply for a scrappy sweater.
We thought we’d give a shout-out to the brave and supportive souls who live with a handspinner.
Subscriber Exclusive
The Spin Off editorial staff cooked up a special end-of-year surprise for our subscribers. We are grateful for your support!
Now is a great time to reflect on this year's accomplishments and that is exactly what we have been doing this week.