Spinners are stretching the boundaries of colorwork this spring in Spin Off's annual spin-along.
I was very excited to learn that the theme of this year’s spin-along is colorwork. Take a look at my collection of handknits and you’ll see that colorwork is so obviously my true fiber love!
Trying a new fiber or technique for this year’s spin-along? See what Stefanie has on her bobbins!
Join us for this year’s spin-along! Challenge yourself to create lace you love—fragile and fine, bold and bulky, or anything in between.
Spring’s baby Angora bunnies inspire winter’s warm angora slippers.
Is it possible to make a durable fiber blend without nylon?
Looking for a winter pick-me-up and doable project that connects with other spinners? We have been, too.
Stefanie Johnson shares how plying two different diameters of singles affects the outcome.
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Inspired by a popular children’s book, Stefanie set out to create her own shimmering, colorful cowl using one of her favorite spinning tools—a recently acquired drumcarder.
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