Subscriber Exclusives

Articles for subscribers of Spin Off. Subscribe today to access every article.

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Knitting the Zig Zag Tunic in Handspun

Get a designer’s tips for spinning and knitting a handspun sweater to show off the design details.

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Can I Spin an 8-Ply Yarn Without Cabling?

Seven or even eight plies creates magical depth in handspun, with help from the "laziest kate."

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Skill Guide: Winding and Finishing Your Yarn

You spend all your time spinning the perfect yarn, but how do you go from bobbin to skein without having a tangled mess?

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Willowing Wool: Building Community by Sharing the Work

Riley Kleve discovered that an old way of fiber preparation can also build new friendships.

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A Little Gift: Spin and Knit the Ultimate Icelandic Hiking Socks

As a thank you to our magazine subscribers, we’ve cooked up a special end-of-year bonus pattern to spin and knit this winter.

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Minor Key Mitts: Blending for the Northman Mittens

Kim McKenna continues the conversation on using value keys to create the perfect blend.

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Spinning for the Queenslander Scarf: Using Differential Shrinkage to Your Advantage

Learn to add dimension to your spinning and weaving with differential shrinkage—plus get a bonus article and pattern!

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Expert Tips for Spinning and Plying Silk

Working with silk? Take your skills up a notch with these handy resources.

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Skill Guide: Make Do and Mend, Spinners’ Style

Follow these mending tips for handspinners and you’ll be able to patch a hole in a favorite sweater or pair of socks in no time.

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Inkle Inspiration: Explore Color, Fiber, Twist, Tubes, and More

Handspinner Jeannine Glaves discusses the different ways she spins natural fibers for warp-faced band weaving.