Season 9, Episode 3: The most surprising and beautiful sources of natural color may be the ones beneath your feet. Naturalist and forager Alissa Allen relishes the rainbows she can find in mushroom and lichen dyeing—and wants to teach you to find your own.
Season 9, Episode 2: With curiosity about the potential for organic agriculture and perseverance in the face of formidable skeptics, the founder of Vreseis and Foxfibre continues to transform our understanding of cotton.
So who first thought of nettles as natural fiber?
Learn what a distaff is and the history behind Saint Distaff’s Day.
Season 8, Episode 6: Seeing a need for sheep shearers in her region, Stephany Wilkes picked up clippers and learned one of the most demanding—and necessary—trades in agriculture.
When I was growing up, my mother told me about the legend of the animals that would talk at the stroke of midnight on Christmas. I never checked what our old horses might say; it was too cold to go to the barn at midnight.
Season 8, Episode 3: Following her love for knitting with wool and curiosity about heritage sheep, Jane Cooper and her husband left their suburban life to move to Orkney and steward a flock of one of the rarest breeds in Britain, the Boreray.
Knitting with gradient yarn keeps your needles clicking as you race for the next color in the yarn.
Season 10 Episode 9: Foraging for plants in the woods near home, a novice textile artist took on a major project: to transform stinging nettles to a handmade dress.