Kate Larson

Kate Larson


Kate Larson and the Secret Language of Norwegian Mittens

Norwegian mittens and gloves are a fun challenge for spinners, knitters, and even embroiderers.

Roving Reporter: A Predrafting Alternative for Spinning Fiber

Some spinners swear by predrafting spinning fiber. Kate experimented with a hybrid method to loosen the fibers without actual drafting. How did it work out?

Sock Fiber Roundup: Fibers + Patterns!

There are many fibers and blends that are great for socks, and pairing fiber and sock type can help your socks last.

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Full Spindle? 5 Ways to Unwind Your Singles

Once your spindle is filled with singles, what happens next? Here are some pros and cons of common methods.

Spindle and Spinner: Spin Off Fall 2024

Take a deep dive into the techniques and traditions of the spindle—a favorite tool of the past and present.

3 Spin Off Magazines That Changed My Handspun Yarn

I discovered Spin Off about the same time I became the proud owner of my first spinning wheel and started producing copious amounts of handspun yarn. Where were you when you first read Spin Off?

(Half) Hitch in Your Drop-Spindle Technique? Try Two Methods

Low-whorl drop spindles often have a simple, straight shaft without a hook to secure the yarn.

Roving Reporter: Spin Carded Wool Cloud Three Ways

Carded wool cloud is famously forgiving to spin—woolen, worsted, and any drafting technique in between are all options to try.

Spin Off Submissions Summer 2025: Balance

Color balance, twist balance, spindle balance—spinners have balance on the brain. We want to hear your ideas!

4 Tweed Yarns to Spin

Kate shares four tweedy yarns to spin from two colorful textured fibers and offers some quick tweed takeaways.

From the Library

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