Part of the mindful act of charkha spinning for me is slowly winding my singles into a tidy spindle cop.
From visible mending to rehabilitated cotton sliver to overdyed, now-harmonious palettes, we are celebrating the art of renewal. Share your article and project ideas with Spin Off!
Join us as we take a look at the intentional use of texture in spinning.
It’s time for our spring color issue once again! We want to hear all about your experiences dyeing, blending, spinning, and stitching in pursuit of the perfect palette. Share your article and project ideas with Spin Off!
Have you ever dizzed fiber off a blending board? Check out Kim McKenna’s method for creating a smooth, blended prep.
Every spinner should know this trick! Learn how to cross-lace your flier to save your hands.
Spring and our new issue delight with a fresh take on color!
Spinning marled yarns can be tricky. Judith MacKenzie will show you how to keep your drafting in tip-top shape in her new silk spinning course.
Did you see our bonus project for Spin Off subscribers, the Towline Hat? Whether you are working on this cozy cabled hat or another project with knitted cables, you might find this tutorial for working cable stitches without a cable needle helpful.