
Self-Care Tips for Fiber Lovers

Indulging in a little self-care is critical these days. Stop doomscrolling. Put down your phone or tablet and pick up your spinning fiber, needles, or shuttle.

For the Love of Stash! Tips for Managing Your Fiber Collection

Sabine loves her stash! And it provides her with endless inspiration. Here, she shares her tips for storing your fiber stash.

Tale of a Shirt A Spinner Mends

The tools used for mending are simple: sewing scissors, a darning needle, and a magnifying full-spectrum gooseneck lamp, essential for seeing the process. The shirt is priceless.

Finding Balance

Explore the logic and science of twist and learn how-to spin a balanced yarn.

But Weight, It’s Your Handspun! How to Block Yarn

Have you been following Emonieiesha’s experiments in finishing? Learn when and how to add weight to your freshly washed handspun yarn.

Your Finished Object: Squarely Rests

A mix of naturally dyed fibers inspired this colorful, handspun sweater.

American Bison: Modern Fiber from a Native Species

The Miskin family is dedicated to spreading the word about the resurgence of the American bison. Learn how this rugged animal’s deliciously soft down fiber is gathered and processed.

Subscriber Exclusive

Luxury Laces

In the Winter 2020 issue of Spin Off, John Mullarkey shared the his handspun, handwoven laces with our readers. Luxurious, indeed!

A Gift After Loss

A bag of carefully spun, carefully sorted, meticulously labeled yarn with woven samples was a gift, a grace that reminded Anne of the value of teachers and of the beauty of handcraft.

Add It Up: How to Price Your Handspun Yarns for Sale

Knowing the exact costs that go into making a skein of handspun yarn is the key to selling it at a fair price.