Elizabeth Prose

Elizabeth Prose


Engineering an Affordable Electric Spinning Wheel

In 2010, Maurice Ribble’s girlfriend wanted an electric spinning wheel but found the available options too expensive. So Maurice built one!

3-Ply…or more

A few quick tips on multi-ply yarns

Learning How to Spin Yarn: Spindle vs Wheel

Some spinning teachers insist that you must start with a drop spindle; others pull out a chair and invite you to sit at a spinning wheel. Which is best?

Nothing Says Love Like Sheep’s Wool!

This Valentine’s Day (or any day) say you love someone with sheep’s wool!

4 Things You Know If You Live with a Handspinner

We thought we’d give a shout-out to the brave and supportive souls who live with a handspinner.

Navigating Online Fleece Sales: Tips for Buyers and Sellers

We asked three members of our fiber community to share their tips for approaching online fleece sales.

Small-Project Spinalong: My Energized-Singles Cowl

I needed a small, instant gratification spinning project—energized singles fit the bill!

Send a Virtual Hug in 2021 and Join a Cowl-along

We invite you to join the Spin Off 2021 Cowl-along and send someone special a warm hug via a handspun, handmade cowl!

Subscriber Exclusive

Seawall Scarf

This woolly winter warmer from the Fall 2011 issue features the styling of a classic seaman's scarf, including reversible cables along the edges with a moss-stitch seawall in the center of the front panels.

Self-Care Tips for Fiber Lovers

Indulging in a little self-care is critical these days. Stop doomscrolling. Put down your phone or tablet and pick up your spinning fiber, needles, or shuttle.

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