What happens with sheep that get separated from their flock and how do they survive in the vastness of the Australian Outback?
Want to make your spinning greener? See Linda Ligon’s tips for spindles, shuttles, and other tools that are good for the environment (and could, technically, make yarn).
Written up as a curiosity in the weekend paper, the little antique wheel seemed destined to become my first spinning wheel.
Icelandics (like Shetland sheep) are a very old breed that developed in harsh weather. Here are some simple steps for spinning wool from Icelandic Sheep!
Have you ever dizzed fiber off a blending board? Check out Kim McKenna’s method for creating a smooth, blended prep.
Merino is one of the most popular wools for a variety of fiber arts. What makes these sheep so special?
Devin Helmen’s tips for not getting overwhelmed when shopping for fleece at festivals.
Every spinner should know this trick! Learn how to cross-lace your flier to save your hands.