
Kate Larson’s Tips for How to Spin Cabled Yarn

In the Spin Off Summer 2017 issue, Kate Larson shared her tips for spinning cabled yarns. Just follow these simple steps!

A Versatile and Inexpensive Fiber Tool: The Dog Comb

Learn how an ordinary dog comb helps with fiber prep, then add one to your spinner’s toolbox!

Spinning Basics: Minicombs

Minicombs are handheld tools with one or two rows of tines and are used for creating a worsted or semiworsted yarn.

The Other Fiber Animal

In honor of #HairballAwarenessDay, we spare a thought for the greatest fiber producers in the house: our pets.

I Am a Spinner: Ginger Clark, Forensic DNA Analyst

I identify and compare the DNA from different pieces of evidence to determine whether they have come from the same animal.

Long Thread Podcast: Deb Menz

Season 2, Episode 7: Taking the fear out of working with color

Spinning Basics: Yes, Whorl Size Matters

One spinner shares her real-world experience changing her whorl.

Spinning Daisies: Chinese Fireweed

Linda Ligon solves a 10-year-old mystery.

Subscriber Exclusive

Clasped-Weft Shawl

Warp your rigid-heddle loom and try the clasped-weft technique. It's an easy way to achieve an attractive tapestry-like pattern using a single shuttle and two weft colors.

Tips for Blending Color on a Hackle

The excitement is real when you see your dizzed fiber and the knitted swatch showing this same pattern!