Erika experiments with rare breeds whose fiber is not normally considered for yarn.
I love and collect handcards the way that many of my friends collect spindles.
This is what happens when you put 80+ spinners together in a room and have them share their handmade projects.
Spinner Devin Helmen ruminates on how stashes come to exist, how they tend to grow on their own when our backs are turned, and how to decide when it’s time to pare down.
When it comes to bast fibers, extracting the usable fiber from the plant can take patience and practice.
With SOAR happening this week in Wisconsin, I wondered what other events are going on around the world that introduce people to fiber crafts.
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Put your handspun to work, even if it’s imperfect! Kate designed this simple shawl to highlight handspun color and texture for beginning charkha spinners, but you can use this recipe for other fibers, too.
In this excerpt from “New Twists on Old Fibers,” Christina Pappas considers spider silk from historic and modern perspectives.
What fun we’ve had looking through the SOAR archives. See what we’ve uncovered, and learn a few fun facts about our returning instructors!
All Access Exclusive
When Estonian knitter Anu Kotli’s sweet sheep puppets appeared on the cover of Spin Off Summer 2006, they were a quick hit! Grab some sport-weight yarn and knit some floppy ears.