Have you ever stopped to wonder what is grease? Spinning terms can often lead to confusion, even for the seasoned handspinner.
Season 5, Episode 3: What do algae blooms and homemade biodiesel have to do with running a yarn company? For an independent natural dyer, there may be no greater creative challenge than the local environment.
Sometimes our tools need a tune up and extra care to run well.
Nålbinding is the craft of making a textile from loops of yarn; it is a craft for mavericks. Learn it, and you’ll be forever free from the tyranny of patterns and rules.
Beginning her flock with Romney and fine wools, a shepherd finds she likes to keep strong wools in the mix.
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Do you have precious leftover yarns that deserve a project that lets them shine? Madeline’s dye samples inspired this great cowl pattern—a bonus for current Spin Off subscribers!
We’ve taken a little bit of the work out of the quest to find a perfect wheel.
Are you challenged by cotton spinning? Improving your fiber preparation can make all the difference.
Part of the mindful act of charkha spinning for me is slowly winding my singles into a tidy spindle cop.